Friday, September 26, 2014

Major Update 2c

It's here! Combat!

Well, rough combat at that, but none the less combat. I have been working very hard over the past few weeks, with my primary focus on cleaning up the project and obviously combat. Let me tell you, I was not ready for what I had to do to get it to play decent.

So to start off, I had to COMPLETELY redo the entire movement system. I went from about 16 lines of code, to 200+ with just character movement, but it was not for a redundant cause, the character is now based on a velocity system instead of simply adding 0.1 to his position 60 times a second while a key is pressed. It took me about a week to implement, but the movement feels much better and more suited for combat.


  • Debug Information
    • Before I had to manually add a new string to the design to observe behind the scenes stuff, but know it automatically formats it and adds it to the screen in the proper order. Should significantly speed up development.
  • Target System
    • Overhauled and we went in a new direction, where every attack is AOE, so as long as an entity is within your range, and your weapon uses a swinging motion, it will damage all entities around you. 
    • Preparation for AI elements
  • Combat System
    • When you swing your sword, it now spins around you(in a rather glitchy fashion that I will fix).
    • Does damage respective to the item in your characters weapon slot. 
    • Combat Text
      • When you use a move, or an entity uses a move against you, text will scroll down the screen at a relatively random position on the horizontal x axis, and will fade away before it reaches the end.
  • Character Movement
    • Switched from point system to velocity system, feels significantly better to control, but still a bit awkward. 
That is pretty mush it on the major changes, obviously there are hundreds of more improvements/changes but I can't keep track of every change I make to code, nor are all of them significant. One problem I still have with the velocity system is that once the play stops moving the velocity rapidly maxes out the capacity of an integer. Like, the debug info says 1.401298 x 10^45. Somethings not right there, but I haven't worked out a solution yet.

On the story side of the game Arcie has been working VERY hard on the plot and its turning out pretty good. he won't be able to make any post about it because no spoilers.

Anyways, I think that's it, I'll edit if I forgot something.

Stay Crazy, Monkey

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