Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Team

The Team

Monkey(me) :
I am the. Lead developer for our team. I startes into programming a couple years back but got disinterested. It started when I was playing around in the level editor for a game called roblox.  It uses the lua scripting language. I never really understood the concept at that time but I knew I wanted to do it. I later found out about a game called minecraft that was written in java. This game had high mod support so i began writting a couple mods, but none of them turned out well enough to see it through to the end. I later became really indulged it the concept of making my own game. I went through many ideas and some i still keep at the back of my head for me to use at a later time.

Stay Crazy, Monkey

I am the graphical artist/designer of this project. We started this project on December 15, 2013, I always had an interest to draw so when Monkey said he was making a game I asked if he needed someone to do the textures. I also make ideas for the game with Monkey. I also want to hear lots of feedback on this and we would love to hear some ideas also.

Arcie (Stay frosty)

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