So I originally wasn't going to consider this worthy of an update, but I changed my mind. Especially because I've ripped my hair out(/s) in the process, so its going to get attention.
The .5 in this update stands for artificial intelligence. Or AI. Or chase the player to murder him.
So I don't think it needs a bullet point system, so I'll just explain it.
There are 3 states an entity can be in(technically 4 but I'll get to that), wandering, chasing, stopped, and idle. While an entity is wandering it will randomly frolic around(not at the moment, but in theory). While an entity is chasing, it going after something. It seems counter intuitive but the chasing doesn't have to be the player or even an entity. It can simply be a point, it just means goto. And this may sound debatable, but there is a difference between stopped and idle. Stopped happens after the entity caught up with its target, so it will keep targeted on it, but not spin circles around it trying to get directly on it, but can't because of the way the pathfinding works. When an entity is idle, it has NO active AI status and will remain stationary. So if I were to set an entity to idle after it finished chasing down its target, it would stop, and not keep following the player if it were to move. Which is not a desired behavior.
Sorry if this message seemed a little choppy, I haven't had alot of sleep.
Stay Crazy, Monkey